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2013-06-05 Painter日誌150 畫畫跟運動一樣(Drawing takes practice) (0) (0)
2013-06-04 Painter日誌149 膠化圖層後面可加白底(Adding a white color layer under the gel layer) (25) (0)
2013-06-03 Painter日誌148 撕開圖層(Tearing the layer) (2) (0)
2013-05-31 Painter日誌147 加上翅膀(Add Wings) (0) (0)
2013-05-30 Painter日誌146 希臘傳說(Greek legend) (0) (0)
2013-05-29 Painter日誌145 幻想(Fantasy) (1) (0)
2013-05-28 Painter日誌144 聯想(Association) (0) (0)
2013-05-27 Painter日誌143 對比(Contrast) (0) (0)
2013-05-24 Painter日誌142 時尚插畫(Fashion Illustration) (2) (0)
2013-05-23 Painter日誌141 重疊圖層來增亮色彩(Using layers to enhancing color) (13) (0)
2013-05-22 Painter日誌140 重疊圖層強化色彩(Using another layer to enhancing color) (9) (0)
2013-05-21 Painter日誌139 重疊圖層來增亮(Using a second layer to bringtening) (5) (0)
2013-05-20 Painter日誌138 使用自動繪製背景(Auto-Painting Background) (29) (0)
2013-05-17 Painter日誌137 持續嘗試(Keep Trying) (1) (0)
2013-05-16 Painter日誌136 橙紅色性感(Red & Orange is sexy) (0) (0)
2013-05-15 Painter日誌135 混合畫作(Mixing Paintings) (0) (0)
2013-05-14 Painter日誌134 將黑白圖層變彩色圖層(Transfering the B&W Layer into the Color Layer) (9) (0)
2013-05-13 Painter 學習日誌133 變焦模糊(Zoom Blur) (7) (0)
2013-05-10 Painter 學習日誌132 套用表面材質(Apply Surface Texture) (25) (0)
2013-05-09 Painter 學習日誌131 灑鹽(Salt) (15) (0)
2013-05-08 Painter 學習日誌130 抖動噴槍(Airbrush with Jitter) (9) (0)
2013-05-07 Painter 學習日誌129 超現實(Surreal) (0) (0)
2013-05-06 Painter 學習日誌128 背光(Backlight) (3) (0)
2013-05-03 Painter 學習日誌127 配上花(Add Flowers) (0) (0)
2013-05-02 Painter 學習日誌126 用漸層色作畫(Painting with Gradients) (1) (0)
2013-05-01 Painter 學習日誌125 油性混色筆(Oily Blender) (11) (0)
2013-04-30 Painter 學習日誌124 使用淡彩(Using Light Color) (0) (0)
2013-04-29 Painter 學習日誌123 用擷取筆尖畫(Painting with Capture Dab) (2) (0)
2013-04-26 Painter 學習日誌122 強烈光源高反差的畫法(High contrast Painting) (53) (0)
2013-04-25 Painter 學習日誌121 套用照片效果(Using Photo Affects) (0) (0)
2013-04-24 Painter 學習日誌120 複製圖層(copy layers) (104) (0)
2013-04-23 Painter 學習日誌119 試不同風格(Try different styles) (0) (0)
2013-04-22 Painter 學習日誌118 普普藝術填色(Pop Art Fill) (16) (0)
2013-04-19 Painter 學習日誌117 用擷取筆尖畫頭髮(Painting Hairs using Capture Dab) (8) (0)
2013-04-18 Painter 學習日誌116 畫頭髮(Painting Hairs) (17) (0)
2013-04-17 Painter 學習日誌115 主體加上陰影(create Shadows on subjects) (7) (0)
2013-04-16 Painter 學習日誌114 用紙紋當背景(Applying Paper textures Background) (7) (0)
2013-04-15 Painter 學習日誌113 擴散模糊筆刷(Blenders Diffuse Blur) (108) (0)
2013-04-12 Painter 學習日誌112 只加水(Just Add Water) (21) (0)
2013-04-11 Painter 學習日誌111 圖層中用遮罩(Using Mask in layers) (83) (0)
2013-04-10 Painter 學習日誌110 炭筆與淡彩噴槍(Charcoal with soft Airbrush) (8) (0)
2013-04-09 Painter 學習日誌109 自訂筆刷(Customizing the Brush) (4) (0)
2013-04-08 Painter 學習日誌108 混用軟硬筆刷(Mixing Soft & Hard Brushes) (3) (0)
2013-04-05 Painter 學習日誌107 尖銳鉛筆(Sharp Pencil) (8) (0)
2013-04-04 Painter 學習日誌106 用亮色取代陰影(Replacing shadows with bright colors) (3) (0)
2013-04-03 Painter 學習日誌105 使用半透明圖層(Using a Transparent Layer) (16) (0)
2013-04-02 Painter 學習日誌104 色調分離與噴槍(Posterized & Airbrush) (4) (0)
2013-04-01 Painter 學習日誌 103 試不同的顏色(Trying Different Colors) (2) (0)
2013-03-29 Painter 學習日誌102 合併作品(Combining works) (1) (0)
2013-03-28 Painter 學習日誌101 試著套用特效(Using Effects) (1) (0)